'SR2 Fitness | Workout of the Week: AMRAP 30:00'

'SR2 Fitness | Workout of the Week: AMRAP 30:00'
01:33 Apr 21, 2024
'This Workout of the Week is 2 fold. Firstly it is a shuttle circuit to be completed in the best time possible and secondly if you choose to do it, challenge yourself to complete as many full rounds as you can in 30 minutes!  EQUIPMENT:  4 ascending slam balls from 3-9kg. Prowler set up to 90% body weight. Slide pads.  TIME:  Total 30 minutes  Notes:  Push for the best time and most rounds possible but be safe and take a break if needed.  Set Up:  make a shuttle run using the full length of the green by starting at the top and dropping a cone, walk down 2.5m drop another cone, walk down another 2.5m and drop a third cone, walk down another 2.5m then drop the final cone.  At the bottom of the shuttle from the left hand side place the slam balls in a line starting with the heaviest descending to the lightest, then the sliding pads and finally the prowler sled set up to 90% of your bodyweight.  Instructions: Set a timer firstly to work down from 30 minutes and take note of your completed round times.  When the timer starts pick up the lightest ball and run to the first cone, slam the ball and perform 1 full press-up. Run back and pick up the second ball then run to the second cone and slam it twice with 2 press ups. Continue this way until you\'ve used all of the balls and cones, run back to the prowler and push it to the top and straight over to the heaviest ball perform again the 4 slams and 4 press ups then run back and place the ball in its original position.   Work all of the balls back to the start in this way before pushing the prowler back down to its original position too.  Lastly put your toes onto the slides get into a press-up position and walk the hands as quickly as you can manage until you reach the end of the course and that\'s the end of the round! Note your time and keep going once you\'ve recovered to find out how many rounds you can fit into 30 minutes  PLEASE NOTE: The SR2 Fitness Workout of the Week is merely a suggested challenge. Any persons wishing to attempt the workout do so at their own risk.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , protein , Health , nutrition , Food , challenge , personal trainer , fat , fat loss , SPORT , macros , amrap , carbs , muscle gain , weight gain , Workout of the Week , Sunderland , sr2 fitness

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